Fade-in Reverberation

1 Acoustics Lab, Dpt. of Information and Communications Engineering, Aalto University, Finland
2 Dpt. of Electronic Systems, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway
3Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU), Germany


In multi-room environments, modelling the sound propagation is complex due to the coupling of rooms and diverse source-receiver positions. A common scenario is when the source and the receiver are in different rooms without a clear line of sight. For such source-receiver configurations, an initial increase in energy is observed, referred to as the “fade-in” of reverberation. Based on recent work of representing inhomogeneous and anisotropic reverberation with common decay times, this work proposes an extended parametric model that enables the modelling of the fade-in phenomenon. The method performs fitting on the envelopes, instead of energy decay functions, and allows negative amplitudes of decaying exponentials. We evaluate the method on simulated and measured multi-room environments, where we show that the proposed approach can now model the fade-ins that were unrealisable with the previous method.

Fitting examples of simulation data

Measured Fade-in Pos-only

Measured Fade-in Pos-only

Measured Fade-in Pos-only

Measured Fade-in Pos-only

Measured Fade-in Pos-only

Fitting examples of measurement data

Measured Fade-in Pos-only

Measured Fade-in Pos-only

Measured Fade-in Pos-only

Measured Fade-in Pos-only

Measured Fade-in Pos-only

Binaural rendering of measurement data

Centered Image

Loudspeaker near the stairwell is active (L1)

With measured RIRs

With fade-in model RIRs

Loudspeaker in the meeting room is active (L2)

With measured RIRs

With fade-in model RIRs


          title = {Fade-in Reverberation in Multi-room Environments Using the Common-Slope Model},
          author = {Lee, Kyung Yun and Meyer-Kahlen, Nils and Götz, Georg and Svensson, U. Peter and Schlecht, Sebastian J. and Välimäki, Vesa },
          booktitle = {2024 AES 5th International Conference on Audio for Virtual and Augmented Reality},
          month = {Aug},
          year = {2024},